🐄 + 📯 + 💩, Merch! and 🍌🍌🍌
While the vines continue to rest in their dormant state for several more weeks the vineyard has been bustling with human activity.

250 Days Later…
It’s been 250 days since the first hole was dug at Ried Kremsleithen, the plot name of the vineyard in Krems…so where are we now?

Aches and Pains
It’s been a harrowing few weeks for us at Kapitel Zwei Wine as we prepare the vineyard for planting — today the vines were shipped from France to Austria 🎉. They were suppose to arrive last week but I delay the shipment a few times due to cold weather. If you can believe it, we had a few centimetres of snow earlier this month, followed by a dry period.